One thing that was cool this week is we had a family home evening with 2 famlies in the ward and it was super fun! We ate, played games, watched a short movie, and had a short lesson. Family home evenings are super fun in the mission because they`re usually a lot more fun than lessons. I`ll have to get the pictures from one of the moms!
We were invited to a birthday party of a 10 year old, (He really wanted us to come) so we went to go drop off a present, and they invited us in to have cake and stuff! There were like 3 parents and like 15 ten year olds, and then 2 american missonaries. It was extremely awkward. But hey, at least we got to watch them play minecraft, we got cake, and we got cookies so it wasn`t too bad!
We are soooo busy in this sector. The members are giving us tons of references and we literally dont have time to do everything! Because other than the references, we are teaching like 5 less active families, we need to talk to people in the streets and knock houses, we are visiting members and we are teaching like 7 or 8 investigators so it`s super hard to fit everything in. At least we`re busy though, and the high amount of references must mean the ward members trust us, so that`s good! This area is super productive, and we have 2 investigators with a date for baptism.
BUT, i might be moving sectors because we have changes in 2 weeks. I`ll know if i`m staying or going by saturday. I really want to stay because this sector is super good and we`re seeing a lot of miracles, but i also want to go to expereince another part of Chile! But i`m happy either way!
Also, this is a side note, but me and my companion had a war with 2 little 6-7 year old kids the other day. We walked by and they pretended to shoot us, so we ran away and hid, they chased us, we died, and then we became zombies so that was a highlight of my day!
Anyways, time is short, talk to you all next week!
May the force be with you
Elder Pollock
We went bowling again!
Hugeee completo (It`s like a hot, except it has avocado) |
This is what our mamita makes for us everyday. (The picture with spaghetti) We eat at her house every day for lunch. She always makes us really good food!